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Writer's pictureKatrine Kleppe

Life as a surrendered and submitted woman

Life as a surrendered and submitted woman. It doesn't matter if it's a Dominant man in my life or not. The instructions and guidance are so clear. My bodys wisdom leads the way. It's rarely room for doubt or hesitation. Eat this. Don't eat for a while. Go to sleep 18.30. Move. Relax. Meditate. Be clear on your boundaries around meeting new men. Read this book. And this book too. Fuck yourself silly in every hole and say thank you afterwards. Lean in to support and help. Every day. Watch that sweet TV show but not the violent one. Be present with the kids. Give them the gift of your regulated nervous system. Drop Instagram. No effort needed.

It's a bit wild how changes suddenly aren't forced. It's flow. Deeply felt and then it makes so much sense. So my mind relaxes. No need to think more than absolutely necessary. I feel my whole system is guided. It feels like Him. And it's all me and my deeper wisdom. I feel a deeper trust in the healthy masculine because I trust myself to know what's actually healthy. I can feel it. Smell it. Almost taste it.

I know my value. I know what I bring to the table. I know my worth. I know my desires. No need to bullshitting me. My animal body knows. My instincts knows. My deepest wisdom knows. The Man. The Masculine. Have to know Himself. Honest. Real. And He is living His best life. Taking of His health on every level. He knows he doesn't need to be perfect. Just committed. He knows how to live and work with intention. He want and need to progress and improve. He takes pride in doing hard shit. He loves solving problems. And he dare to listen deeply to his own knowing and to His oracle.

This beautiful life. Filled with intentions. Actions. The ability to relax deeply. To move in my own natural pace. Fully submitted. Fully surrendered. By every breath and heartbeat.

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Fuck you!


Aug 23, 2023

Tankerekkene dine drar jeg i stor grad kjensel på. Jeg tror du har staket ut en ganske bra kurs for livet ditt👌🏽

Aug 23, 2023
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