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Writer's pictureKatrine Kleppe

I'm prepping

Yes, I'm prepping. I work out to heal my knee injury. It's practical in everyday life to have healthy, pain-free knees. And, my submissive nature: I want to be well and fit to be able to kneel for him for the rest of my life.

I'm prepping. I'm working on relaxing my jaws and getting to know my gag- reflexes quite intimately. It's huge health benefits to unclench the jaw, and the gagging is activating the vagus nerve. The big nerve that goes throughout the whole body. And my submissive nature: I want to worship his c0ck. I want to be able to take him deep and deeper every day.

So you see, being in touch with my submissive nature is adding eros and deeper motivation to everything I do. On a deeper level, it's all for me. He can take me places I can't on my own. I want to be ready so I can receive him as much as possible. How sweet life is, when I'm embracing myself even more. Without shame or judgement. Willingly and eagerly, I open myself to go even deeper in worshipping him and let life unfold. Yes, I have been here before, and I lost myself. It was devastating and painful. And I see my own patterns in it. Always back home, baby girl. I hold my own power. I don't have to lose myself. Quite the opposite. I'm more of me. Safe, more regulated, and flexible. Still, the quiet, sweet submissive in me is insisting. She trusts life deeply and her own ability to navigate it.

So yes, I'm prepping on so many levels. To surrender to life and stand my ground. To be soft and flexible and speaking my truth and boundaries. I'm less afraid, and I feel utterly vulnerable and brave at the same time. I'm home. I feel whole. And I need deep and meaningful human connections. Amen.

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